The first classes of the Doctoral Seminar III will start on Wednesday, December 8 at 10.00 am.

The first classes of the Doctoral Seminar III will start on Wednesday, December 8 at 10.00 am.
The new semester begins with the Doctoral Seminar II. The first class will take place on February 26th from 9.00 am to 11.15 am. The classes will be in distant mode.
The Summer School will take place from 11 to 15 May, 2020. Participation in the summer school is obligatory. Information about the location of the summer school will be given at a later date.
The new semester begins with the Doctoral Seminar. The first class will take place on March 2nd from 11.45 pm to 12.45 am. Classes will take place in the building of Department of Environmental Biotechnology at Słoneczna street nr 45G, room nr 205.
The first class of "Statistics" subject will take place on November 6th, from 9.00 am to 11.15 am. Classes will take place in the building of the Main Library (room nr 103). Whereas, classes of "E-learning" will start on November 7th, from 11.00 am to 1.15 pm. Classes of E-learning" will take place in a building located at Oczapowskiego street nr 5 (room number 301).
New subject of Ethics will start in May. Classes will be held according to the plan given below:
1. May 8th, 16.45-19.00 (Room nr 114, Center of Human Sciences)
2. May 10th, 9.00-11.15 (Room nr 240, Center of Human Sciences)
3. May 15th, 16.45-20.00 (Room nr 114, Center of Human Sciences)
4. May 29th, 16.45-20.00 (Room nr 114, Center of Human Sciences)
5. May 31st, 8.30-11.30 (Room nr 240, Center of Human Sciences)
6. June 5th, 16.45-20.00 (Room nr 114, Center of Human Sciences)
7. June 7th, 8.30-11.30 (Room nr 240, Center of Human Sciences)
8. June 12th, 16.45-20.00 (Room nr 114, Center of Human Sciences)
The Summer School will take place from 20 to 24 May, 2019. Participation in the summer school is obligatory. Information about the location of the summer school will be given at a later date.
The new semester begins with the subject of Entrepreneurship in the Bioeconomy. The first class will take place on February 21 from 9.00 pm to 10.30 am. Classes will take place in the building at Prawochenskiego street nr 1, room nr 21.
The first Research Methodology class will take place on November 22 from 2.30 pm to 4.00 pm. Classes will take place in the building at Plac Łódzki 3, room nr 416.
A meeting of PhD students will take place on October 11, at 10.00 am in the Center for Innovation and Technology Transfer (Prawocheńskiego Street nr 9; room nr 2a). Students will become acquainted with the implementation of Interdisciplinary Doctoral Studies in Bioeconomy and will learn the conditions for granting the scholarships.